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ລຸກ ລຸກ ໆ..Debout..Attention Ladies and Gentle Men ! The Show Must Go On !
'ສບາຍດີ' SABAIDI LAOS もしもし 'Moshimoshi' JAPAN 'annyeonghaseyo' 안녕하세요 KOREA
'Bonjour' FRANCE 'Welcome' ENGLISH 'Nǐ hǎo' 你好
CHINA привет 'privet' RUSSIA Malais 'Selamat Pagi'
'สวัสดี' Sawatdee THAILAND 'xin chào' VIETNAM
'សួស្តី ' suostei CAMBODIA 'ဟယ်လို' haallo MYANMAR
'ຂອບໃຈ' KHOPCHAI LAOS ありがとうございました 'arigatōgozaimashita' JAPAN 고맙습니다 'gomabseubnida' KOREA
'Merci' FRANCE ENGLISH 'Thank you'
CHINA 'Xièxiè' 谢谢 спасибо 'spasibo' RUSSIA Malais 'Terima kasih'
'ขอบคุณ' Khopkhun THAILAND 'Cảm ơn bạn' VIETNAM
'សូមអរគុណ ' saum arkoun CAMBODIA
'ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ်' kyaayyjuutainpartaalMYANMAR

We don't remember days We remember "moments" May the Awesome videos and pictures bring you lots of wonderful moments but most of all love.
Made for You to Hear more Hear The World's Sounds Hear what's up and coming on...
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Merci ຂອບໃຈ Thank You